Wednesday, March 15 / 6:30 pm / Ottawa Art Gallery

Program: Baba, Coyote
Guests: Katherine Jerkovic, director and writer of Coyote, Maziyar Khatam, writer of Baba

Feature presentation \


Le coyote

2022 / 89 minutes / Canada
Director: Katherine Jerkovic
Writer: Katherine Jerkovic
Languages: Spanish, English, French
Subtitles: English

multiculturalism \ family \ addiction

Talented writer-director Katherine Jerkovic returns to Ottawa (her award-winning 2018 film, Roads In February, was presented at our Latin American Film Festival in 2019) with her latest exquisite, intimate drama, Coyote. This film revolves around Camilo, a widower who works at a Montreal cleaning company. He used to run a successful restaurant called Le Coyote, but he has been struggling to find work as a chef since his place went out of business. When an old friend offers him a position as a chef, it seems his life will finally get back to normal. All is looking hopeful. That is, until his estranged daughter arrives at his doorstep, announcing that Camilo has a grandson, Zachary. She also informs her father that she is an addict and must enter a rehab facility, asking that he take care of Zachary. Camilo’s life is about to change profoundly. Again. Winner of the Borsos Award for Best Canadian Feature at the Whistler Film Festival in December, the jury describes Coyote as “… a masterfully rendered film, both tragic and hopeful, about unconditional love and sacrifice. A film that holds you in poetic stillness and takes you on a genuine familial journey that resonates with you long after the film is over.” Moreover, the film’s star, Jorge Martinez Colorado, received the Best Performance in a Borsos Competition Film Award for what jurors described as a “masterful, heartbreaking and uplifting performance.”

- Tom McSorley

La scénariste-réalisatrice de talent Katherine Jerkovic retourne à Ottawa (son film primé de 2018, Roads In February, a été présenté lors de notre Festival du film de l’Amérique latine en 2019) avec son drame exquis et intime le plus récent, Coyote. Ce film raconte l’histoire de Camilo, un veuf qui travaille pour une compagnie de nettoyage montréalaise. Avant, il était propriétaire d’un restaurant achalandé, Le Coyote, mais il peine à se trouver un emploi de chef depuis que son établissement a fait faillite. Lorsqu’un vieil ami lui offre un poste de chef, tout laisse à croire que sa vie va enfin revenir à la normale. Il y a de l’espoir… jusqu’à ce que sa fille, à qui il ne parlait plus, se présente à sa porte pour lui annoncer qu’il a un petit-fils, Zachary. Elle l’informe aussi du fait qu’elle est toxicomane et qu’elle doit faire un séjour dans un centre de réhabilitation, et lui demande de prendre soin de Zachary. La vie de Camilo est sur le point de changer profondément. Encore une fois. Gagnant du prix Borsos du meilleur long métrage canadien au Festival du film de Whistler en décembre.

- Tom McSorley (traduit par Jacinthe Grenier-Albert)


TIFF 2022 is supported by some young talent. Here are some of the stars leading the charge


Whistler Film Festival 2022, Borsos Award for Best Canadian Feature

Short film \


2022 / 13 minutes / Ontario
Directors: Anya Chirkova, Meran Ismailsoy

A middle-aged Iranian man makes a desperate bid to keep his apartment as his relationship with his son unravels.